Next Room to Breathe Walk, 30 September, Burnsall, Yorkshire Dales

Walking and talking for personal and professional support and development

New: Reduced rates for NHS, Education, Public Sector workers

Summer is here so it’s great time to come to Burnsall – an hour from Leeds in the heart of the Dales – to spend the day walking and talking with like-minded companions, with the fresh air on our faces. Take the time to take a breath and figure out who and where you are at the moment. We walk the same route out of Burnsall every season to embrace the changes that occur over time. Experienced therapists guide the walk and help you talk and think.

We have reduced the cost to everyone working in the NHS, state Education and the wider public sector to acknowledge how tough things are at the moment, and how much we depend on you. We hope this walk might be a small way to support you and your work.

For more information on the walks and how to join us please go to our website for more details here.