Wellbeing: myth or real possibility? Café Psychologique, 24 October

Wellbeing clearly means very different things to different people: health, comfort, contentment, or even possessions or material wealth. However, it’s clear that newspapers, magazines and endless tv programmes think it’s what we need. Whether it’s bonkers celebrity diets, unfeasibly flexible lycra-clad poses, or an unnervingly superior method to switch off from the worries that assail mere mortals, it can feel like everyone has wellbeing to sell but hardly anyone seems to be able to explain what it is, and how it is genuinely attained.

So finding a translation of the vague aspirations into something tangible can be difficult, and even if that is found it often still seems completely out of reach from within the realities of busy lives, demanding work, and good intentions that stubbornly refuse to transfer into actual change.

This café will explore the nature of wellbeing and whether it is just a myth used to sell products, or actually something realistically achieveable.

The café will be introduced by Joshua Paul Malkin, who helped establish the Network of Wellbeing – a charity that promotes individual wellbeing along with community, societal and environmetal wellbeing. He grew up in Leeds, is a co-convenor of the Civil Society Forum in London and a partner in a Holistic Science consultancy called Transformation Strategies.

He will introduce this Café Psychologique on Tuesday 24 October, 8.00 pm to 9.45 pm in Seven Arts, Chapel Allerton, Leeds. The Café costs £4 on the door.

There is a poster to download here:
Café Psychologique October 2017

You can read the Café Rules here: Café Psychologique Rules